Grants for hiring excellent researchers to undertake an R&D&i project in the Comunitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT). Programme to support talented researchers - GenT Plan. - GVA.ES
Grants for hiring excellent researchers to undertake an R&D&i project in the Comunitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT). Programme to support talented researchers - GenT Plan.
What is
The objective of these grants is to identify and support excellent researchers with proven experience in centers of international prestige in order to favor their recruitment in research centers and public universities of the Valencian Community, where they will develop a research project at the frontier of knowledge.
A maximum of 20 grants will be awarded, distributed proportionally among the areas of knowledge established by the State Research Agency, as a function of the number of applications submitted that meet the requirements.
The grants will be awarded for a period of four years (48 months), extendable for another two years. The extension must be requested and justified by the host institution six months before the end of the grant and must be authorized by the Director General of Science and Research. The approval of any extension will be conditioned to the existence of adequate and sufficient credit in the budgets of the Generalitat Valenciana for the corresponding fiscal year.
The host institutions must formalize an employment contract with the selected applicant as distinguished researcher (in accordance with Article 23 of Law 14/2011, of June 1, on science, technology and innovation), and send a copy to the instructing body of the Generalitat Valenciana within one month of its formalization.
The employment contract start date will be determined in the awarded resolution, but must be before September 9, 2024.
- Orden 17/2020, de 21 de septiembre, de la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras para la concesión de subvenciones del programa para el apoyo a personas investigadoras con talento - Plan GenT (DOGV núm. 8912, de...
- Order 17/2020, dated 21 September, by the Conselleria for Innovation, Universities, Science and the Digital Society, establishing the regulatory bases for awarding grants under the programme to support talented researchers - GenT Plan (DOGV no. 8912, dated 24/09/2020)
- Resolución de 14 de noviembre de 2022 de la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, por la que se convocan, para el ejercicio 2023, subvenciones del Programa para el apoyo a personas investigadoras con talento - Plan GenT
- Resolution of 14/11/2022 of the Conselleria for Innovation, Universities, Science and the Digital Society announcing the grants for the financial year 2023 for the Talented Researchers Support Programme - GenT Plan.
Who is it addressed to
1. Researchers who are not linked to any Valencian university or Valencian public research center at the time of submitting their applications and who meet at least one of the following requirements:
a) To be a beneficiary of an ERC starting or consolidator grant and to be developing such project in a university or research center outside the Valencian Community.
b) To have passed Phase 1 of the evaluation process of the ERC grants (starting/consolidation) or to have obtained a Ramón y Cajal or MSCA-IF grant.
c) Have at least 6 years of post-doctoral experience and one or more stays in international research centers outside the Valencian Community for a total period of at least three years.
If a university of the Comunitat Valenciana has issued the Ph.D. degree, candidates must have been contractually separated from that institution for at least two years since the Ph.D. degree was awarded.
2. Researchers who meet any of the following conditions are also eligible to apply for these grants:
- Researchers who have been a beneficiary of a grant for the recruitment of post-doctoral researchers with international experience (CDEIGENT).
- Researchers who have been a beneficiary of a grant for the promotion of scientific excellence of young researchers (SEJIGENT).
- Researchers who have been a beneficiary of a Ramón y Cajal grant.
- Researchers who have been beneficiaries of a grant offered by a Valencian public university in a competitive call within the framework of a talent attraction and retention program that has lasted at least three years.
- Researchers who, being beneficiaries of any of the above grants, have less than 12 months left to complete their contract in the aforementioned grants during the application period of this call.
The same researcher may not submit applications for more than one category of grant under the GenT Plan. In the case of multiple applications, only the last application submitted before the deadline will be considered valid.
How to process
Las solicitudes serán evaluadas sobre un total de 100 puntos según los siguientes criterios y baremo:
a) Excelencia científica del candidato (50%)
-Hasta 25 puntos: publicaciones científicas y participación en actividades de difusión.
-Hasta 15 puntos: participación en proyectos o grupos de investigación de ámbito nacional. o internacional, contratos y patentes o méritos equivalentes en sus respectivas áreas de conocimiento.
-Hasta 10 puntos: estancias en el extranjero, premios y otras acciones relevantes.
b) Calidad e impacto del proyecto de investigación propuesto y del plan de trabajo. (35%).
-Hasta 15 puntos: calidad del proyecto de investigación (objetivos, impactos esperados, metodología del proyecto y plan de trabajo)
-Hasta 10 puntos: que el proyecto se encuentre en la frontera de conocimiento y que tenga una elevada proyección internacional
-Hasta 10 puntos: plan de trabajo para concurrir a próximas convocatorias de subvenciones del ERC o, de una ERC de nivel superior de la que se es beneficiario/a.
c) Capacidad de liderazgo de proyectos y de dirección de tesis doctorales por parte del candidato (15%).
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The deadline for submission of applications will be from December 1, 2022 to December 23, 2022
- Resolució de 14 de novembre de 2022 de la Conselleria d'Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital, per la qual es convoquen, per a l'exercici 2023, subvencions del Programa per al suport a persones investigadores amb talent - Pla GenT
- Order 17/2020, dated 21 September, by the Conselleria for Innovation, Universities, Science and the Digital Society, establishing the regulatory bases for awarding grants under the programme to support talented researchers - GenT Plan (DOGV no. 8912, dated 24/09/2020)
- Order 17/2020 by the Conselleria for Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society approving the regulatory rules for awarding grants by the Talented Researcher Support Programme - GenT Plan (WITHOUT LEGAL VALUE)
- Resolution of 14/11/2022 of the Conselleria for Innovation, Universities, Science and the Digital Society announcing the grants for the financial year 2023 for the Talented Researchers Support Programme - GenT Plan (WITHOUT LEGAL VALUE).
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