Grants for hiring post-doctoral researchers with international experience to join the Comunitat Valenciana (CDEIGENT). Programme to support talented researchers - GenT Plan.

Conselleria de Educación, Cultura, Universidades y Empleo

Code SIA: 1111449
Code GVA: 19413
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Closed term

From 01-12-2022

Until 23-12-2022

  • What you need to know
  • What is
  • Who is it addressed to
  • How to process
  • Forms
  • Processing
  • Request
  • Resolution
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    What is

    What is it and what is it for

    The objective of the CDEIGENT call is to attract talent to join existing reference research groups in research centers or public universities in the Comunitat Valenciana to help drive the transformation of the Valencian Economic Model.


    A maximum of 9 grants will be awarded, distributed proportionally among the areas of knowledge established by the State Research Agency, as a function of the number of applications submitted that meet the requirements.


    The grants will be awarded for a period of four years (48 months), extendable for another two years. The extension must be requested and justified by the host institution six months before the end of the grant and must be authorized by the Director General of Science and Research. The approval of any extension will be conditioned to the existence of adequate and sufficient credit in the budgets of the Generalitat Valenciana for the corresponding fiscal year.


    RequestClosed term
    From 01-12-2022 until 23-12-2022

    The host institution must formalize a labor contract with the post-doctoral researcher in accordance with the modalities established in Law 14/2011, of June 1, on science, technology and innovation or, where appropriate, in Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23 approving the consolidated text of the Workers Statute Act, and shall send a copy to the instructing body within one month of its formalization.


    The employment contract start date will be determined in the awarded resolution, but must be before September 9, 2024.


    • Orden 17/2020, de 21 de septiembre, de la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras para la concesión de subvenciones del programa para el apoyo a personas investigadoras con talento - Plan GenT (DOGV núm. 8912, de...
    • Resolución de 14 de noviembre de 2022 de la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, por la que se convocan, para el ejercicio 2023, subvenciones del Programa para el apoyo a personas investigadoras con talento - Plan GenT.

    Who is it addressed to

    Interested people

    Researchers who are not linked to any Valencian university or Valencian public research center at the time of submitting their applications and who meet the following requirements:


    a) Less than six years of post-doctoral experience.

    In the case of those researchers who have taken maternity or paternity leave in accordance with the protected situations included in the general Social Security system; or for the care of dependent persons -in accordance with the provisions of Law 39/2006, of December 14, 2006-; or for a situation of temporary incapacity derived from a serious illness; or a situation derived from gender violence, this period shall be extended by one year for each maternity or paternity leave or for each of the aforementioned situations.


    b) One or more stays in international research centers outside the Valencian Community for a period of at least two years.

    If a university of the Comunitat Valenciana has issued the Ph.D. degree, candidates must have been contractually separated from that institution for at least two years since the Ph.D. degree was given.


    c) To have the endorsement of the reference research group that the post-doctoral researcher wishes to join. Each group can only endorse one postdoctoral researcher.


    For the purposes of this call, reference research groups are:

    1) Groups with existing funding from the Prometeo Program; or

    2) Groups formed by Ph.D researchers who maintain a civil servant, statutory or contractual relationship with a research center of the Comunitat Valenciana. The group should meet, at the time of submission of applications, the requirements for its constitution as an excellent research group according to the regulatory bases of the Prometeo Program.


    These grants may be applied for by researchers who, at the time of submitting their applications, are not linked to any Valencian public university or research center.


    The same researcher may not submit applications for more than one category of grant under the GenT Plan. In the case of multiple applications, only the last application submitted before the deadline will be considered valid.


    How to process

    Assessment criteria

    Las solicitudes serán evaluadas, sobre un total de 100 puntos, según los siguientes criterios y baremo:


    a) Excelencia científica del candidato (50%).

    -Hasta 25 puntos: publicaciones científicas y participación en actividades de difusión.

    -Hasta 15 puntos: participación en proyectos o grupos de investigación de ámbito nacional o internacional, contratos y patentes o méritos equivalentes en sus respectivas áreas de conocimiento.

    -Hasta 10 puntos: estancias en el extranjero, premios y otras acciones relevantes


    b) Trayectoria internacional del candidato (25%).

    Se valorará si ha superado la Fase 1 del proceso de evaluación de las subvenciones ERC (starting grant / consolidator grant), si ha recibido sello de excelencia en la subvenciones MSCA-IF o si ha quedado seleccionado o en la reserva de otras convocatorias nacionales e internacionales de excelencia que pueda recoger la respectiva convocatoria (programas Juan de la Cierva, Ramón y Cajal).


    c) Calidad e interés del historial científico del grupo investigador donde se integrará el candidato (25%)

    Processing bodies
    El órgano instructor, a quien corresponderá la tramitación del procedimiento, será la unidad administrativa superior dependiente de la dirección general competente en materia de política científica e investigación, así como el servicio dependiente de aquella que desempeñe las funciones al efecto.


    From 01-12-2022 until 23-12-2022

    The deadline for submission of applications will be from December 1, 2022 to December 23, 2022



    The online application must be accompanied by the following documents:


    a) Copy of the Ph.D. degree. In the case that the Ph.D. degree is issued in a language other than Spanish, Valencian, or English, a legal translation into Spanish, Valencian or English will be required.


    b) Curriculum vitae of the applicant showing his/her scientific excellence and project leadership skills.


    c) Copy of the documents accrediting that the applicant has carried out one or more postdoctoral stays in research centers of international prestige that accumulate, at least, a total period of two years.


    d) Report of the applicant's employment history, issued by the Spanish Social Security dated within the application period or, if applicable, a statement that the applicant has never contributed to the Spanish Social Security system.


    e) Endorsement of the researcher in charge of the reference research group in which the applicant will join.


    f) Scientific background of the research group the applicant will join.


    g) If applicable, a list of the members of the research group that have not been listed in the application due to exceeding the number of lines available.


    h) In the event that the research group is not currently funded by the Prometeo Program, it must submit a report justifying that the group meets, at the time of submission of applications, the requirements for its constitution according to the regulatory bases of the Prometeo Program. Likewise, the documentation supporting the circumstances alleged in the aforementioned report shall be attached.


    Parts b) and f) are considered an integral part and minimum content of the application, and the absence or failure to include these documents in the application will result in the rejection of the application.


    The host institution will verify and certify that the applicant and the documentation submitted comply with the requirements established in this call.


    Applications must be signed by the applicant and must be approved by the host institution. This approval must be accredited by the legal research representative of the host institution by means of the "signature form".


    The host institution undertakes to hire the applicant (if awarded the grant) under the conditions established in the call for applications and in the resolution of the grant. Likewise, it undertakes to guarantee that the researcher, hired under this grant, will have the space and conditions necessary for the development of his/her research project. These conditions will be comparable to those of the other researchers of the host institution who are beneficiaries of projects or programs of national or international excellence.


    Documents written in any of the official languages of the Comunitat Valenciana (Valencian and Spanish) or in English will be accepted.


    Form of presentation

    Further information on these grants can be found on the website of the "Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital" Contact: Servei de Política Científica D. G. de Ciència i Investigació Av. Campanar, 32. 46015...

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      El plazo máximo para resolver las solicitudes presentadas y para la concesión de las subvenciones que se establecen en la convocatoria será de seis meses a partir de la fecha de finalización del plazo de presentación de solicitudes. El cómputo de este plazo se interrumpirá durante el plazo...

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      Amount and charge

      The annual subsidy for each of the contracts, which must be full-time, will be 55,000 euros, which will be used to finance the salary and employer's social security contributions. The minimum gross annual remuneration to be received by the researcher will be 42,000 euros per year.


      The Generalitat Valenciana will subsidize, in each year, the following percentages of the 55,000 euros:

      - 100% for the first year of the contract.

      - 80% for the second year of the contract

      - 70% for the third year of the contract

      - 50% for the fourth year of the contract

      The remaining amount of the grant will be covered by the host institution.


      For the possible two-year extensions, the percentage of co-financing by the Generalitat Valencian may reach up to 50% of the cost of the contracts.


      The grant will be supplemented by an additional research budget of up to 30,000 euros to cover expenses of the reference group associated with the development of the research project.


      The research endowment will be determined in the award resolution based on the budget requested by the researcher for the execution of the project and the result of the evaluation process.


      In the event that the grant is authorized to be extended for the two additional years, each extended annuity will have an additional research endowment of up to 30,000 euros.


      Resolution bodies
      Elevada la propuesta de resolución definitiva, la persona titular de la dirección general competente en materia de política científica e investigación dictará la correspondiente resolución definitiva del procedimiento, acto que pondrá fin a la vía administrativa y que será notificada a los...
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