Details of Procedure

Request for a social concertation on child and adolescent care social services for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024: Support Service for the emancipation and personal autonomy of adolescents and young people exposed to or at risk of social exclusion (Mentora Plus offices), within the framework of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience, financed by the European Union NextGenerationEU.

Code SIA : 2891927
Code GUC : 22168
Department: Vicepresidencia Segunda y Conselleria de Servicios Sociales, Igualdad y Vivienda
Deadline for application: CLOSE
  • Basic information

  • Forms

  • Request

  • Processing

  • Resolution

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Basic information

What is it and what is it for?

What is it and what is it for?

The purpose of this social concertation is the comprehensive management of the Support Service for the emancipation and personal autonomy of adolescent and young former wards or adolescents and young people at risk of social exclusion (Mentora Plus offices). The Mentora Plus offices that are the subject of this social concertation will be integrated into the Valencian Public Network of Social Services and Child and Adolescent Care.



a) Be duly registered under the child and adolescent care field in the Registry of Entities, Centres and Services of the conselleria (department) responsible for social services. b)Meet the requirements of expertise to provide the service, as well as a minimum level of experience of the professionals caring for the group of people to which the concerted action is aimed. c)Be up to date with tax and social security obligations. d)Have administrative certification or operating authorisation or submit a responsible declaration, in the event that the general and/or sector-specific social services regulations so require. In the case of concerted action services that do not have applicable sector-specific regulations, a responsible declaration committing themselves to meet all the operational requirements set out in the technical annex to this call for applications must be submitted with their application. e)Accredit or be in a position to have a quality-of-service certificate before the end of the social concertation or its extension. Entities that cannot accredit this requirement must comply with the provisions of the fifth transitional provision of Decree 181/2017. f)Prove ownership of the building in which the service is provided, or having it at their disposal by any legal title valid for a period not less than that of the validity of the social concertation, as well as the authorisation of the entity or person owning the premises where the service is located. g)Be unaffected by the prohibitions established by article 8 of Decree 181/2017. h)Communicate any transfer or substantial modification affecting the nature of the concerted action. In addition to the general requirements established in Article 7 of Decree 181/2017, entities must comply with the cross-sectional principles of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR), approved by the Council of Ministers Agreement of 27 April 2021. Applicants must also authorise the transfer of data between the public administrations involved in the PRTR in order to comply with the provisions of the applicable European legislation and in accordance with Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

Who can apply?

Who can apply?

Social initiative entities that meet the requirements for access to the concerted action scheme and to act as collaborating institutions regarding child and adolescent care, which meet the requirements of article 180 of Law 26/2018.

Regulations of the procedure

Regulations of the procedure

  • Decreto 181/2017, de 17 de noviembre, del Consell, por el que se desarrolla la acción concertada para la prestación de servicios sociales en el ámbito de la Comunitat Valenciana por entidades de iniciativa social (DOGV núm. 8197, de 23.12.2017).
  • Decreto 170/2020, de 30 de octubre, del Consell, de aprobación del Reglamento orgánico y funcional de la Vicepresidencia y Conselleria de Igualdad y Políticas Inclusivas (DOGV núm. 8959, de 24.11.2020)
  • Orden 3/2021, de 30 de marzo, de la Vicepresidencia y Conselleria de Igualdad y Políticas Inclusivas, por la que se desarrolla el Decreto 170/2020 y se establecen las funciones en materia de infancia y adolescencia y las competencias en concierto de servicios derivados de la Dirección General de Infancia y Adolescencia (DOGV, núm. 9053, de 1.04.2021).
  • Decreto Ley 6/2021, de 1 de abril, del Consell, por el que se aprueban las medidas urgentes en materia económico-administrativa para la ejecución de actuaciones financiadas por instrumentos europeos para apoyar la recuperación de la crisis consecuencia de la Covid-19. En su capítulo VI regula el régimen especial de gestión de las actuaciones incluidas en el plan de recuperación, transformación y resiliencia financiado por el Mecanismo Europeo de Recuperación y Resiliencia y por los Fondos REACT-EU para apoyar la recuperación después de la crisis de la Covid-19 (NextGeneration-EU) (DOGV núm. 9062, de 15.04.2021).
  • Ley 3/2019, de 18 de febrero, de servicios sociales inclusivos de la Comunitat Valenciana.
  • Orden HFP/1030/2021, de 29 de septiembre, del Ministerio de Hacienda y Función pública, que configura el sistema de gestión del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.
  • Resolución de 19 de octubre de 2021, de la Secretaría de Estado de Derechos Sociales del Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030, por la que se publica el Convenio con la Comunitat Valenciana, para la ejecución de proyectos con cargo a los fondos europeos procedentes del Mecanismo para la Recuperación y Resiliencia. La convocatoria de acción concertada en materia de servicios sociales en el sector de infancia y adolescencia corresponde al proyecto número 5, propuesto por la Comunitat Valenciana. Este proyecto se engloba en el Componente 22, Plan de choque para la economía de los cuidados y refuerzo de las políticas de inclusión e Inversión C22.I2, Plan de modernización de los servicios sociales: transformación tecnológica, innovación, formación y refuerzo de la atención a la infancia del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia del Gobierno de España.
  • Resolución de 27 de mayo de 2022, de la Vicepresidencia y Conselleria de Igualdad y Políticas Inclusivas, por la que se convocan los acuerdos de acción concertada en materia de servicios sociales en el sector de infancia y adolescencia para los ejercicios 2022, 2023 y 2024: Servicio de apoyo a la emancipación y la autonomía personal de adolescentes y personas jóvenes extuteladas o en riesgo de exclusión social (Oficinas Mentora Plus), en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, financiado por la Unión Europea NextGeneration-EU. (DOGV 9352, de 01/06/2022)
  • Corrección de errores de la Resolución de 27 de mayo de 2022, de la Vicepresidencia y Conselleria de Igualdad y Políticas Inclusivas, por la que se convocan los acuerdos de acción concertada en materia de servicios sociales en el sector de infancia y adolescencia para los ejercicios 2022, 2023 y 2024, servicio de apoyo a la emancipación y la autonomía personal de adolescentes y personas jóvenes extuteladas o en riesgo de exclusión social (oficinas Mentora Plus), en el marco del Plan de recuperación, transformación y resiliencia, financiado por la Unión Europea NextGeneration-EU.
  • Resolución de 18 de octubre de 2022. de la Vicepresidencia y Consellería de Igualdad y Políticas Inclusivas, por la cual se abre un nuevo plazo de presentación de solicitudes al amparo de la convocatoria de los acuerdos de acción concertada en materia de servicios sociales en el sector de infancia y adolescencia para los ejercicios 2022, 2023 y 2024 (servicio de apoyo a la emancipación y la autonomía personal de adolescentes y personas jóvenes extuteladas o en riesgo de exclusión social -oficinas Mentora Plus-), en el marco del Plan de recuperación, transformación y resiliencia, financiado por la Unión Europea NextGeneration-EU. (DOGV n.º 9456 de 25.10.2022)

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about the procedure

Computer problems



PENDING ONLINE TESTS. NON-PUBLIC. The deadline for submitting applications for this call will be one month from the day following the publication of the call resolution in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana (Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana).

Documentation and forms

In addition to the application, the documents that the entities must submit for each Mentora Plus office of which they request to participate in the conciliation procedure will be as follows: a)Certificate accrediting the agreement adopted by the competent body of the entity in which the person holding the legal representation is authorised to participate in the selection procedure and the application for the social concert (Annex V) b)Certificate verifying the applicant is up to date with national and regional agencies tax obligations, if the interactive consultation of these obligations is not expressly authorised (paragraph L1 of the application) c)Certificate verifying the applicant is up to date with payments to the Social Security Treasury, if the applicant disagrees with the interactive consultation of such payments (paragraph L2 of the application) d)A responsible declaration verifying the entity is not involved in any cause of prohibition to reach a concerted agreement (paragraph H of the application) e)Technical memory of the operation of the service and activities of the entity. f)List of professionals and direct care personnel of the service, specifying the names and surnames of its members, working position, qualification, type of employment relationship with the holder entity, seniority, number of daily or weekly hours of dedication for each of them and the functions they perform. If the professional staff are not hired, a commitment will be made to hire the personnel required for the correct operation of the service, and it will be necessary to provide the documents previously indicated within one month after the formalisation of the concerted action agreement, as well as an allocation of the necessary means. g)A responsible declaration verifying the applicant has the building in which the service is provided at their disposal for a period not less than that of the validity of the social concertation (section E of the application) h)Responsible declarations related to social clauses (paragraph F of the application) i)A responsible declaration signed by the person representing the entity verifying that anyone intervening in the provision of the service by practising a profession, trade and activity involving regular contact with minors fulfils the requirement set out in Article 57 of Organic Law 8/2021, of 4 June, on comprehensive protection of children and adolescents against violence, concerning not having been sentenced by a final judgement for any offences against sexual freedom and integrity established in Title VIII of Organic Law 10/1995, of 23 November, of the Criminal Code, as well as for any crime of human trafficking established in Title VII bis of the Criminal Code (paragraph G of the application) In the event of any person breaching this obligation in a sudden manner, the entity must immediately replace them. j)Deed or document of incorporation, modification, statutes or founding charter in which the purposes of the entity are recorded. k)Quality of service certificate, issued on a date before the end of the deadline for the submission of applications. Entities that cannot attest to this requirement must submit a responsible declaration in which they undertake to comply with the fifth transitional provision of Decree 181/2017. l)Direct debit form, which will be available at the secure portal. m)A responsible declaration verifying the experience of the entity in managing centres, care services and/or programs aimed at the group to which the concerted action is directed (paragraph H of the application). n)A responsible declaration verifying the expertise, as well as the minimum experience of the professionals who will provide the service. o)A declaration of non-conflict of interest, ANNEX VI. p)A declaration of data transfer and processing in relation to the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR), ANNEX VII. q)A responsible declaration of commitment in relation to the implementation of actions of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR), ANNEX VIII. r)A responsible declaration in relation to the professional team training service. s)Certificates of collaboration agreements with public and/or private entities. A document must be submitted for each collaboration agreement, electronically signed by the person representing the entity with which it is established. t)Documents supporting the other requirements to be taken into account in the scale. In addition to these documents, the documents supporting the criteria for the selection and assessment of entities and services established in the call resolution must be submitted.



En cumplimiento de la obligación prevista en el artículo 14 de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del procedimiento administrativo común, la solicitud se presentará exclusivamente por medios electrónicos. Para ello, se accederá a la sede electrónica de la Generalitat, bien a través de la URL, seleccionando el trámite correspondiente, bien a través de la dirección de internet:

Processing process

Processing process

1st. Submission of the application form duly filled in and electronically signed by the person holding the legal representation of the entity. One application must be submitted for each lot that the concerted action is applied for, and no more than one application may be submitted for the same lot. 2nd. Admission by the Directorate-General for Children and Adolescents. 3rd. Verification of the application and the documents submitted in the proceedings. 4th. Injunction for remediation, through publication in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana (Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana), when the application does not meet the requirements or the required documents are not attached. 5th. Technical and application assessment according to the criteria for selection and assessment of entities and services set out in the decision on the application process. 6th. Motion for a resolution. 7th. Resolution of the granting or refusal of the social concertation by the general director for Children and Adolescents, by proxy. 8th. Publication of the resolution in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana.

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria

The assessment of applications will be carried out on the basis of the following criteria for the selection and assessment of entities: 1.Years of proven experience in providing services for children and adolescents. The maximum score for this criterion is 22 points. 2.Having established a list of services in relation to the services offered, with management commitments, detailed indicators for its monitoring, complaints management system, and agile relief measures in case of non-compliance, in a list of services document, which is provided to users, irrespective of the internal regulations. The maximum score for this criterion is 5 points. 3.The work carried out in the community and the degree of engagement of the entity in the territory, developing actions and coordination programmes, of which documentary evidence must be provided; each public collaboration programme shall count 2 points, and collaborations with private entities shall count a maximum of 15 points. 4.Good social and personnel management practices, in relation to social clauses on job creation for people with difficulties, plans for equality between women and men, and other social practices, especially in the implementation of benefits subject to concerted action. The maximum score for this criterion is 20 points. 5.Having a service operating protocol, up to 10 points. 6.Professional team training service, carried out by external personnel specialised in motivation and group cohesion in the area of child and adolescent care, with 300 hour experience accredited by means of responsible declaration. Up to 10 points. 7.Specific intervention programmes. The maximum score for this criterion is 18 points. The minimum score for entering the concerted action scheme is set at 50 points.

Processing bodies

Processing bodies

Dirección General de Infancia y Adolescencia.



Without prejudice to those set out in the applicable rules, the following are specific obligations of the entities owning the concerted services, as a result of the concerted action agreement and the conclusion of the concertation: a)To make the service provided for in the concertation available to the Generalitat, as well as to admit all users who are appointed to by the competent bodies. b)To maintain the requirements and ratios of personnel as determined in the type of the resource and in the technical annex, during the period of validity of the agreement. c)To provide the service free of charge to the users, so that an amount that, directly or indirectly, represents an economic counterpart for the services that are subject to the concertation cannot be received. d)To include the condition of a concerted service integrated in the Valencian Public System of Social Services in their documents and publicity, next to the name of the entity and/or service, within a maximum period of fifteen days from the completion of the social concertation. They shall also reflect this condition in the outside signage and publicity of the premises where the service is provided. e)To use the official logo of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR), in addition to the European Union emblem accompanied by the text "Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU", available on the following link: When displayed in association with another logo, the European Union emblem must be displayed at least as prominent and visible as the other logos. The emblem must remain distinct and separate and cannot be modified by adding other visual signatures, marks or texts. Apart from the emblem, no other visual identity or logo may be used to highlight EU support. f)To ensure the implementation of measures aimed at preventing, detecting, communicating and correcting fraud and corruption, and preventing conflict of interest and double funding provided for in Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2021 establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility. g)To provide their identifying information: NIF (tax identification number), name or business name, and tax address, in accordance with the provisions of Annex IV.B of the aforementioned Order HFP/1030, of 29 September, by which the management system of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience is set up. The entity must accept the transfer of the data between the Public Administrations involved in order to comply with the provisions of the applicable European legislation and in accordance with Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights. This obligation must also be fulfilled by the entities or companies which, where appropriate, are contracted for the ancillary activities set out in Article 26, contracting ancillary activities with third parties, of Annex I to this call. h)To guarantee compliance with the cross-sectional principles set out in the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience and which could affect the scope subject to be managed. i)To fulfil at all times the technical conditions the concertation is subject to and to maintain the quality levels of provision of assistance. j)To adopt the appropriate measures to establish an agile internal system of reception, monitoring and resolution of complaints that could be submitted by users. k)To comply with and follow the instructions and technical guidelines formulated by the competent organs of the conselleria (department) for the development of the activity, and to guarantee the adequate provision of the service. l)To have a participation body in accordance with the indications set out in the technical annex. m)To have an indefinite contractual relationship with at least half of the direct assistance service staff members. n)To keep payrolls, invoices and accounting documents of equivalent probative value for a period of five years. As mandatory technical conditions, the concerting entity shall: a)Underwrite an insurance policy covering civil liability arising from the actions of their personnel and users of the assistance centre or service, and the eventualities arising from injury or death of such personnel and users in the event of accident or as a result of the provision of the service, with a minimum of €30,000 for death and €60,000 for invalidity due to accident. There is no limitation for the annuity of the insurance, as established by the eighth additional provision of Decree 181/2017. b)Develop the control and monitoring actions of the concerted actions stipulated in Article 30 of this provision, in order to guarantee the quality of the service at all times. c)Adopt all necessary measures to comply with the obligations of data protection of the users and to guarantee their personnel's duty of discretion, in accordance with the provisions of article 13.3 of the Organic Law 1/1996, of 15 January, on the Legal Protection of Minors, on the Partial Amendment of the Civil Code and the Law of Civil Procedure. d)Report immediately, within 24 hours, by any written or telematic means, any serious incidences that may occur during the user's stay in the service. The corresponding section of the regional direction of the Administration arranging the concertation shall be the competent body. Likewise, the entities must comply with the labour legislation in force and the obligations implied by the regional collective sectoral agreement in force. They must also facilitate inspection by the Social Services Inspection Services and to assume the financial control actions that correspond to the General Intervention of the Generalitat Valenciana.



The administrative proceedings are brought to a close by the resolution, which is subject to an appeal for reinstatement within one month, starting from the day following its publication, or directly an administrative appeal within two months, from the day following that of the publication, in accordance with the provisions of Article 46 of Law 29/1998, of 13 July, regulating the contentious-administrative jurisdiction, without prejudice to the possibility of any other that is deemed relevant

Amount and charge

Amount and charge

Concerted service funding will be carried out in accordance with the economic modules set out for each lot in Annex II (Technical Conditions) of the decision of the application process. PAYMENT: In general, payment under the concertation will be made after justification of the completion of the service by the concerted entity. To this end, the ministry responsible for social services will process the proposal for payment of the cost of the social concertation by lot agreed on a monthly basis, in accordance with the economic modules set out in the Annex to the call and the corresponding formalisation document. Payment of the cost of the concertation will be made, by bank transfer, to the specific account for social concertation designated by the corresponding entity.



The maximum period to resolve and notify will be six months from the date of publication of the call in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana (Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana). Once this period has elapsed without an express resolution having been issued and published, the applications submitted by the entities participating in the agreement procedure shall be understood to have been rejected, without prejudice to the Administration's legal obligation to expressly resolve the matter.

Resolution bodies

Resolution bodies

La persona titular de la conselleria con competencia en materia de servicios sociales, sin perjuicio de la posibilidad su delegación en la persona titular de la Dirección General de Infancia y Adolescencia.

Exhausts administrative life

Exhausts administrative life
