Details of Procedure

Application for recognition of Valencian centres outside the Comunitat Valenciana, as well as their federations and confederations.

Code SIA : 211304
Code GUC : 13773
Department: Presidencia de la Generalitat
Deadline for application: OPEN
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Basic information

What is it and what is it for?

What is it and what is it for?

For their official recognition, Valencian centres outside the Comunitat Valenciana, and their federations and confederations, must accredit the requirements stated by Decree 94/2016, of 22 July, regulating Valencian centres outside the Comunitat Valenciana.



* COLLABORATION WITH VALENCIAN CENTRES OUTSIDE THE COMUNITAT VALENCIANA The Generalitat, within its competences, shall collaborate with CEVEXs and with the federations and confederations officially recognised as provided for in Decree 94/2016. This collaboration shall be brought together through the following measures: a) The engagement of the centres in the different forms of manifestation of the Valencian cultural, social and economic life. b) The existence of a true level playing field between CEVEXs and the entities established in the Comunitat Valenciana to benefit from social, sporting and cultural actions promoted by the Generalitat, especially those aimed at youth. c) Access to information on public actions and initiatives adopted by the Generalitat and its bodies and institutions dependent on it in matters of interest to Valencian centres outside the Comunitat Valenciana, in accordance with their respective statutes. CEVEXs shall be able to support and collaborate with the initiatives of the Council of Economic, Cultural, Social and Tourism Promotion of the Comunitat Valenciana. d) Information and participation in the programmes and activities that, in keeping with the objectives of Valencian centres outside the Comunitat Valenciana, the Generalitat organises in the territorial area where they are located, as well as collaboration, financial aid and technical support in organising cultural activities, programmes and events aimed at promoting knowledge of Valencian language, culture and social reality. e) The presence of CEVEXs in the bodies and agencies of the Generalitat related to their activity and the possibility of participating and being heard by the CEVEX Council. f) Access by CEVEXs to information and advice on social, economic and labour matters in the Comunitat Valenciana, as well as on the possibilities of return and the actions developed by the Generalitat to facilitate the return and social integration of returnees. g) Collaboration in the promotion of actions and initiatives to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge in different fields. To that end, CEVEXs will be able to collaborate with the Valencian associative fabric in creating citizen offices in their locations, aimed at disseminating the actions that the citizen entities carry out outside the territorial scope of the Comunitat Valenciana. h) The provision of an editorial, audiovisual and computer-based fund for CEVEX to facilitate knowledge of Valencian history, language, culture and social reality. The CEVEX Council shall collaborate with the Consell in establishing the criteria for the composition and distribution of the fund, which shall be facilitated by the competent management centre. i) The collaboration of the public media dependent on the Generalitat in disseminating the activities and initiatives of CEVEXs. j) The development of channels that allow for participation and interaction between CEVEXs, communication between CEVEXs and the Administration of the Generalitat, and dissemination of CEVEXs' activities. For these purposes, the Generalitat shall set up a portal where all information relating to CEVEXs and their activities can be checked and through which the Generalitat may provide information of interest to Valencian citizens outside the Comunitat Valenciana. This portal, which must comply with the basic accessibility conditions, shall allow interaction between the Administration of the Generalitat and the centres. k) The possibility of signing collaboration agreements between the Generalitat and CEVEXs for the provision of certain services or the exercise of functions or representations that may be entrusted to them, provided that their qualification and experience in managing collective affairs is credited in the field.



In order to be officially recognised, Valencian centres located outside the territory of the Comunitat Valenciana must accredit the following requirements: a) Being legally and validly established as entities with their own legal personality, in accordance with the legal order of the territory where they are located. b) Including, among the basic statutory objectives and by agreement of its general assembly or supreme governing body, the maintenance of cultural, social or economic links with the Comunitat Valenciana, its people, associative fabric, history, own language, culture or any other aspect of its reality. c) Not pursuing a lucrative purpose. d) Maintaining an internal structure, organisation and functioning consistent with democratic rules and standards, recognising the engagement of partners in decision-making and in the entity's representative bodies. e) In order to be able to apply for official recognition, the centre must consist of, at least, ten persons. * The associative, founding entities and the rest of non-profit legal persons, whose objectives can be considered unlawful in accordance with the Spanish legal order, cannot avail themselves of what this law establishes in any circumstances.

Who can apply?

Who can apply?

Any non-profit associations legally recognised as entities with their own legal personality, in accordance with the rules in force in the territory in which they are located, made up by a community of Valencians or their descendants, located outside the Comunitat Valenciana, that are recognised as such by the body responsible for relations with the communities of Valencians outside the Comunitat Valenciana, in the terms provided for in Title II of Decree 94/2016, of 22 July, by which Valencian centres outside the Comunitat Valencian are regulated, shall be considered CEVEX (Valencian centres outside the Comunitat Valenciana). FEDERATIONS AND CONFEDERATIONS: CEVEXs having been previously recognised may, in order to defend their interests and facilitate the joint and coordinated fulfilment of their aims and objectives, become federations, and federations may form confederations.

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about the procedure

Computer problems



Open all year round.

Documentation and forms

In order to be officially recognised, CEVEXs will have to address the relevant application to the management centre responsible for relations with Valencian communities outside the Comunitat Valenciana, signed by the person who legally represents the entity and in which the name of the representative and the name and address of the entity must be stated, according to the standard form contained in the annex to this Decree. Together with the application, they must submit the following documentation: a) Original of the Articles of association of the Valencian centre or a copy proving that it matches the original, in accordance with any means admissible in law. b) Certificate of the agreement of the competent body, of the application for recognition as a Valencian centre outside the Comunitat Valenciana. c) Certificate issued by the competent body attesting the legalisation of the entity in the territory in which it is established. If the legalisation procedure is not planned, this requirement can be fulfilled by providing the documentation that accredits it. d) Informational report of the activities carried out by the centre and those planned for the future, as well as the material and personal means it has to achieve its aims. FEDERATIONS AND CONFEDERATIONS - The procedure for the recognition of CEVEX Federations will be the same as that governed by Article 5 of Decree 94/2016, although, as regards Article 5.1.b, each of the entities that federate must provide the corresponding certificate of the agreement adopted in this regard by the respective Assembly. As regards the application, it may be signed by the president elected by the constitutive assembly of the federation or by the representatives of all the entities forming it. - Confederations that may be constituted between officially constituted federations may also be the subject to recognition, with the same requirements and procedure indicated in this article.



- Applications for recognition may be filed in person, both at the headquarters of the management centre responsible for relations with the Valencian communities outside the Comunitat Valenciana or at any registers of the Administration of the Generalitat, as well as at any other location provided for in the legislation of administrative procedure in force. And preferably at: GENERAL REGISTER OF THE CONSELLERIA (REGIONAL MINISTRY) FOR PARTICIPATION, TRANSPARENCY, COOPERATION AND DEMOCRATIC QUALITY
The application may also be submitted via electronic means on the Generalitat's portal ( by accessing the "Online Site", or through the website of the Conselleria (Regional Ministry) responsible for relations with Valencian communities outside the Comunitat Valenciana. To be able to submit the application electronically, you must have one of the electronic signature systems supported by the Generalitat's Online Site. Information on the supported digital signatures and instructions for the electronic processing of the application and subsequent provision of documents, if applicable, can be found at the Generalitat's Online Site ( There is a technical support e-mail ( to solve any technical problems related to the electronic submission of the application.

Processing process

Processing process

- Submission of application and documents required. - If the application does not meet the requirements set out in the previous article or the documents required in this article are not accompanied, the centre concerned shall be required to remedy the fault or accompany the mandatory documents within fifteen days, stating that, in failing to do so, its application shall be considered as dismissed, upon resolution that must be issued by the Conseller (Regional Minister) responsible for relations with the Valencian communities outside the Comunitat Valenciana. - The competent management centre may ask the applicant entity to provide, within twenty days, the other documents or supplementary information deemed necessary to determine the requested entry, including the certificate issued by the corresponding Spanish Embassy, by the Consular Section of the Embassy, or by the Spanish Consulate based in the constituency in which the entity is legalised, to validate that the document referred to in paragraph 1.c of this article is sufficient according to the law of the country in which the applicant entity is located. The twenty-day period may be extended, up to a further ten days, at the request of the applicant entity or on the initiative of the management centre, when the provision of the required documents is especially difficult. - Once the procedure has been instructed and immediately before issuing the administrative act granting or refusing the recognition of the CEVEX, a period of fifteen days shall be opened so that the applicant centre can lodge pleadings and submit the documents and proofs that it deems relevant. - The recognition of the CEVEX will take place, if appropriate, by agreement of the Consell, on the proposal of the Conseller (Regional Minister) responsible for relations with the Valencian communities outside the Comunitat Valenciana and following a prescriptive report from the CEVEX Council. The decision shall be issued within six months from the date of entry of the application into the Register of the body competent for its processing, which shall acknowledge its receipt to the applicant centre. - If the centre has not been notified the approval of its recognition after six months, the application shall be deemed to have been granted. In this case, the Valencian centre outside the Comunitat Valenciana may apply to the competent management centre for the corresponding certificate confirming the administrative silence produced. Once applied for, the certificate must be issued within fifteen days. - In the event that the applicant entity does not fulfil the conditions for recognition, the person in charge of the management centre responsible for relations with Valencian communities outside the Comunitat Valenciana shall open the corresponding hearing process in order for the entity to lodge pleadings, which may be filed both in person and on-line. - The mandatory report by the CEVEX Council shall be issued by the Plenary and may be adopted at a meeting held by that body by electronic means, always ensuring the identity of the members or their substitutes, the content of their statements, the time in which these occur, as well as the interactivity and intercommunication between the participants in real time and the availability of the means during the session, in the terms and with the requirements provided for in articles 16 and 17 of Decree 94/2016. - Prior to the motion for a resolution, the competent management centre may seek such reports and consultations as it deems appropriate on the advisability of such recognition, or otherwise. - The recognition of the Valencian centre outside the Comunitat Valenciana shall be published in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana (Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana - DOGV) and notified to the entity concerned and to the members of the CEVEX Council, giving rise to its entry, ex officio, in the CEVEX Register. Notification may be made by electronic means.

Processing bodies

Processing bodies

-In order to be officially recognised, CEVEXs will have to address the relevant application to the management centre responsible for relations with Valencian communities outside the Comunitat Valenciana, signed by the person who legally represents the entity and in which the name of the representative and the name and address of the entity must be stated, according to the standard form contained in the annex to this Decree. GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF CITIZEN PARTICIPATION



- The recognition of the CEVEX will take place, if appropriate, by agreement of the Consell, on the proposal of the Conseller (Regional Minister) responsible for relations with the Valencian communities outside the Comunitat Valenciana and following a prescriptive report from the CEVEX Council. The decision shall be issued within six months from the date of entry of the application into the Register of the body competent for its processing, which shall acknowledge its receipt to the applicant centre. - If the centre has not been notified the approval of its recognition after six months, the application shall be deemed to have been granted. In this case, the Valencian centre outside the Comunitat Valenciana may apply to the competent management centre for the corresponding certificate confirming the administrative silence produced. Once applied for, the certificate must be issued within fifteen days.

Resolution bodies

Resolution bodies

- The recognition of the CEVEX will take place, if appropriate, by agreement of the Consell, on the proposal of the Conseller (Regional Minister) responsible for relations with the Valencian communities outside the Comunitat Valenciana and following a prescriptive report from the CEVEX Council. CONSELLERIA FOR PARTICIPATION, TRANSPARENCY, COOPERATION AND DEMOCRATIC QUALITY

Silence effect

Silence effect


Exhausts administrative life

Exhausts administrative life
