Details of Procedure

Becas para el alumnado que vaya a finalizar sus estudios universitarios en las universidades de la Comunitat Valenciana durante el curso 2023-2024

Code SIA : 212074
Code GUC : 18064
Department: Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo
Deadline for application: CLOSE
  • Basic information

  • Request

  • Processing

  • Resolution

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Basic information

What is it and what is it for?

What is it and what is it for?

Announce for the 2023-2024 academic year the grants for university studies for students who have a maximum of 24 credits left to complete their university studies in the universities that form part of the Valencian University System, as referred to in Article 2 of Law 4/2007, of 9 February, on the coordination of the Valencian University System and its affiliated centres



Applicants for this grant must meet the following requirements: a) Be a Spanish national or a national of a European Union member state. In the case of EU citizens or their family members who enjoy the rights of free movement and residence, they are not required to have the status of permanent residents or to prove that they are employed or self-employed persons. The spouse or legal partner, as well as dependent direct ascendants and dependent direct descendants under 21 years of age, are considered to be “family members”. In the case of non-EU foreigners, the provisions of the regulations on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration will be applied, excluding those who are registered as resident. b) Provide proof of administrative residence in any municipality in the Comunitat Valenciana, within the deadline for submitting applications. This status must be maintained throughout the academic year. c) Be studying for the official university degrees referred to in Article 2, point 1, of this resolution, in universities forming part of the Valencian University System and its affiliated centres, during the 2023-24 academic year. d) Not be in possession of or not meet the legal requirements for obtaining a qualification of the same or higher level than that corresponding to the studies for which the grant is being applied for. For these purposes, those who only need to accredit a certain level of knowledge of a foreign language in order to obtain the qualification may not be beneficiaries of a grant. e) Not to have been a beneficiary of this grant in previous years. f) Meet the financial and academic requirements set out in this resolution.

Who can apply?

Who can apply?

The students that may apply for the grants for the completion of university studies are those who have a maximum of 24 credits left to complete their university studies in the academic year 2023-2024 in the universities that form part of the Valencian University System, or their affiliated public centres, and who are enrolled in credits that correspond to the third and/or successive enrolments. EXCLUSIONS: This award does not include exemptions or grants for master’s degree studies, complementary training to access or obtain a master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, studies corresponding to the third cycle or doctoral studies, specialisation studies or studies leading to the award of qualifications specific to the universities.

Regulations of the procedure

Regulations of the procedure

  • Orden 24/2016, de 10 de junio, de la Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras para la concesión de las becas para el alumnado que vaya a finalizar sus estudios universitarios en las universidades públicas de la Comunitat Valenciana (DOCV núm. 7805, de 14/06/16).

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about the procedure

Computer problems



The deadline for online applications is one month from the day following publication in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana (Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana) (DOGV number 9714 of 30-10-2023)

Documentation and forms

1. The processing and submission of the application will be carried out solely online on the GVA processing platform. For any questions, applicants can consult the guide published on the website: 2. The access point for online processing is the Web Portal of the Generalitat, which can be accessed at the following address: Direct access to this procedure will be available on the following link: Any technical/computer-related issues that may occur during the online processing will be dealt with by emailing: Any queries related to the content of this announcement will be dealt with, preferably, by email on Once the online application has been completed, it will be signed by the interested party using any of the electronic signature systems accepted by the web portal and sent by the established online procedure, and will be considered submitted for all purposes, obtaining the receipt of the application which must be kept by the applicant to accredit, if necessary, the submission of the application within the established time limit and in the established manner. Applications completed online that do not comply with the established submission process will not be taken into account. Likewise, the applicant and the other eligible members of the family unit may authorise the Conselleria for Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society, with their signature on the electronic application itself, to obtain from other public administrations the information necessary to determine, ascertain and verify all the data accrediting identification, residence, education, income and assets and other family and personal circumstances necessary for the resolution of the grant application.

Processing process

Processing process

El órgano competente para la ordenación e instrucción del expediente será la Subdirección General de Universidades.

Processing bodies

Processing bodies



Those provided for in Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on Common Public Administration Administrative Procedures (BOE nº. 236, of 02/10/2015).

Amount and charge

Amount and charge

1.Para el alumnado matriculado en universidades públicas y sus centros públicos adscritos, la beca consistirá en la exención del pago del importe de los créditos matriculados en tercera y/o sucesivas matrículas. Dicho importe será el establecido por el Decreto 118/2023, de 4 de agosto, del Consell, por el que se fijan las tasas a satisfacer por la prestación de servicios académicos universitarios para el curso 2023/2024. (DOGV 9657 / 08.08.2023). 2.Para el alumnado matriculado en universidades privadas o en centros privados adscritos a universidades públicas, esta beca consistirá en una ayuda para el pago de los gastos de matrícula de los créditos matriculados. La cuantía de esta beca será igual al precio mínimo de un estudio con la misma experimentalidad establecida en el Decreto 118/2023, antes citado. 3. Se entenderán excluidas del importe de la beca las exenciones y bonificaciones del pago de las mencionadas tasas a que tuviera derecho la persona beneficiaria. 4. La exención de las tasas alcanzará únicamente a las asignaturas o créditos de que se haya matriculado la persona solicitante en el curso 2023-2024 en una única titulación y especialidad. 5. No se incluyen en esta convocatoria exenciones ni ayudas para la realización de estudios de máster, complementos de formación para acceso u obtención del título de máster, grado, estudios correspondientes al tercer ciclo o doctorado, estudios de especialización ni estudios conducentes a la obtención de títulos propios de las universidades. 6. En todo caso, la beca solo alcanzará a los créditos matriculados por el estudiantado en tercera y/o sucesivas matrículas. 7. No formarán parte de la beca de matrícula aquellos créditos que excedan del mínimo necesario para obtener la titulación de que se trate. Tampoco formarán parte de la beca los precios especiales que se devenguen como consecuencia de convalidaciones, reconocimiento o adaptaciones de estudios, asignaturas o créditos.



This decision, which will put an end to the administrative procedure, must be issued within a maximum period of six months from the day following the publication of this announcement.

Resolution bodies

Resolution bodies

Exhausts administrative life

Exhausts administrative life
