Details of Procedure

Regional Incentive Aid for the correction of inter-territorial economic imbalances. TELEMATIC PROCESSING OF REGIONAL INCENTIVE AID IN THE REGION OF VALENCIA

Code SIA : 2322111
Code GUC : 20825
Department: Conselleria de Hacienda, Economía y Administración Pública
Deadline for application: OPEN
  • Basic information

  • Forms

  • Request

  • Processing

  • Resolution

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Basic information

What is it and what is it for?

What is it and what is it for?

Regional Incentives are the financial aid granted by the General State Administration to productive investment to promote business activity, orienting its location towards previously determined areas. They consist of non-refundable grants and are intended to alleviate inter-territorial imbalances. The Valencian Community collaborates with the Ministry of Finance through the Regional Ministry of Finance, Economy and Public Administration. The Regional Incentives line is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Multi-regional Operational Programme for Spain 2021-2027. All projects that benefit from this aid are required to comply with European Union legislation, as well as to collaborate with the public administrations involved.



PROMOTABLE SECTORS: For the purposes provided in article 7, of the Royal Decree 166/2008, of February 8, the following will be eligible sectors: • Processing industries and production support services that, respecting the sectoral criteria established by the competent bodies, include advanced technology, pay special attention to environmental improvements and entail a significant improvement in the quality or innovation of the process or product and, especially , those that favor the introduction of new technologies and the provision of services in the information and communication technologies subsectors and those that significantly improve commercial structures. • Tourist establishments and complementary leisure facilities that, respecting the sectoral criteria established by the competent bodies, have an innovative character especially with regard to environmental improvements and that significantly improve the endogenous potential of the area. TYPE OF INCENTIVIZED PROJECTS: Projects for the creation of new establishments, expansion of an already established activity or the initiation of a new one by the applicant company, as well as the modernization of the facilities, are eligible for promotion, provided that it is not a mere replacement investment. ELIGIBLE INVESTMENTS: The investment concepts that may be incentivized will be new or first-use fixed assets, referring to the following investment elements: • Civil work. • Capital Goods, excluding elements of external transport. • In the case of small and medium-sized companies, up to 50 percent of the costs derived from the preliminary studies of the project, which may include: planning work, project engineering and optional project management. • Intangible assets, as long as they do not exceed 30 percent of the total incentive investment, are used exclusively in the center where the project is carried out, are inventories, amortizable and are acquired under market conditions from third parties not related to the buyer . • Other items, exceptionally.



• The approved investment must be equal to or greater than € 900,000.00. • The projects must meet, among others, the conditions of not starting the investment before submitting the application, the aid must have an incentive effect, have a minimum self-financing of 25%, have a minimum level of own funds that It will be established in the individual concession resolution and deemed technically, economically and financially viable

Who can apply?

Who can apply?

• Companies making investments in the Valencian Community in sectors considered eligible for promotion. • In case of large companies, aid may only be granted for initial investments that attract new activities, or for the diversification of existing establishments in new products or new innovative processes.

Regulations of the procedure

Regulations of the procedure

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about telematic processing

Doubts about the procedure

Computer problems



Until 31 December 2027 (R.D. 618/2022, of 26 July, amending R.D. 166/2008, of 8 February).

Documentation and forms

Through the application you can submit the application for Regional Incentives for the correction of inter-territorial economic imbalances along with the documentation that must be associated with it. Associated forms



Processing will be carried out telematically using the INREGCV computer application. This application (INREGCV) allows the following operations to be carried out telematically: - Start the application for Regional Incentives for the correction of inter-territorial economic imbalances. - Provide the necessary documentation for the processing of an existing Regional Incentives dossier. - Making the corrections required by the Administration to the dossiers. - Justification of compliance with conditions and settlement of subsidies. - Carry out other procedures (modifications, requests for extension, withdrawal, renunciation, appeals).

Processing process

Processing process

The General Directorate of European Funds and Public Sector of the Valencian Community has developed a computer application (INREGCV) to facilitate the presentation of Regional Incentive Aid Files. Authentication is required and digitally signed documents are supported. In the INREGCV application, all procedures related to the file can be carried out (application, providing documentation, corrections, justification, modifications, etc.), each of them being registered and issuing a receipt accrediting its presentation in the terms provided by the Law 11/2007, of June 22, on Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services and in Decree 220/2014, of December 12, of the Consell de la Generalitat, by which the Electronic Administration Regulations are approved of the Valencian Community. Once the application has been submitted with the required documentation, the study and processing will be carried out by the General Directorate of European Funds and Public Sector of the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Public Administration and the General Directorate of European Funds of the Ministry, which will be the one evaluate and resolve aid.

Processing bodies

Processing bodies

PROCESSING BODIES The processing of Regional Incentive Aid will be carried out by: a) The Regional Incentives section of the General Directorate of European Funds and Public Sector of the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Public Administration of the Generalitat Valenciana. b) The General Directorate of European Funds of the Ministry responsible for European funds. SERVICE OF ANALYSIS, ORGANIZATION AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR PROCEDURES OF OPERATIONAL PROGRAMS PL. NAPOLES AND SICILIA, 10 46003 - Valencia/Valencia



RESOLUTION BODIES: The resolution granting regional incentives is issued by the Ministry responsible for European Funds and will be published in the Official State bulletin. The granting of regional incentives will be made by: a) The Government Delegate Commission for Economic Affairs. b) The Ministry responsible for European funds. CONTACTS: CV Regional Incentives Section Service of Analysis, Organization and Technical Support to Procedures of the Operative Programs General Directorate of European Funds and Public Sector Plaza Nápoles y Sicilia, nº 10 46003 Valencia - SPAIN Telephones: 961207772, 961207773, 961207793 and 961207787 Email:

Amount and charge

Amount and charge

MODALITY: non-refundable grant expressed as a percentage of the costs considered eligible. AMOUNT: • Up to a maximum of 15% of the approved investment for large companies, 25% for medium-sized companies and 35% for small companies. • The percentage of subsidy will be related to the total amount of the investment accepted, the number of jobs created and the type of project in question (creation, expansion or modernization). • The incorporation of advanced technology into the project, the rate of added value or the increase in productivity, the dynamic nature of the project and the use of natural resources in the area will be especially valued. • In the areas defined as priority, the percentage of subsidy that would correspond to the project for the application of the previous criteria, will be increased by 20 percent, always respecting the maximum limit established. • In the case of projects with an approved investment of more than 50 million euros, this maximum percentage will be set in accordance with the provisions for large investment projects in the Guidelines on regional state aid for 2022-2027 (DAR 2021/C153/01).

Resolution bodies

Resolution bodies

The decision to grant regional incentives is issued by the Ministry of Finance and published in the Official State bulletin (BOE).

Exhausts administrative life

Exhausts administrative life
