Generalitat Interest Group Register (REGIA)

Presidencia de la Generalitat

Code SIA: 2402075
Code GVA: 21436
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Open term

From 17-02-2022 00:00:00h

  • What you need to know
  • What is
  • Who is it addressed to
  • How to process
  • Processing
  • Request
  • Resolution
  • Help
  • Frequent questions
  • Related topics
  • Links of interest
  • Share on social networks

What is

What is it and what is it for

The purpose of the Generalitat Interest Group Register is to facilitate the public identification and control over the lobbying activities carried out by interest groups in relation to the Public Administration in the Comunitat Valenciana.


Lobbying activity is considered to be any direct or indirect communication, oral or written, with public officials, with the aim of influencing public decision making or the processes involved in drafting and implementing public policies, regulatory projects or parliamentary initiatives, carried out on behalf of a private or non-governmental entity or organised group for the benefit of its own interests or those of third parties.


Interest groups are legal persons, bodies, organisations, platforms, networks and (in the cases provided for by law) natural persons who, whether or not they have legal personality, carry out the lobbying activity.

RequestOpen term
From 17-02-2022 00:00:00h

Who is it addressed to

Interested people

a) Interest groups engaged in influencing activities.

b) Interest group representatives engaged in influencing activities.

How to process

Processing process

The application for registration must be submitted before holding meetings or having contact with a public official in order to carry out lobbying activities.


The application for registration is made by accessing the online procedure using the electronic certificate of the person or entity concerned.


Once the application has been submitted, a registration certificate is automatically issued, which entitles the holder to carry out lobbying activities, but which is considered to be provisional. The competent body must issue a final decision within two months of the submission of the application. If no express decision has been taken by the end of this period, the registration becomes definitive.

Processing bodies


From 17-02-2022 00:00:00h

Throughout the year


Interest groups or their representatives should submit a single application to be processed exclusively by electronic means. Once the procedure has been completed, a registration receipt is generated, which can be downloaded in PDF format, containing all the details provided as part of the registration.


It must be accompanied by the following documentation:


If the application is made with the digital certificate of a natural person, documentation must be provided that accredits the representation of the organisation that intends to register as an interest group. This will not be necessary if the procedure is accessed with a digital certificate of representation relating to a legal person, which pertains to the interest group itself. Nor when the representation is recorded in the Representatives Register maintained by the Comunitat Valenciana Technology and Electronic Certification Agency (ACCV).

Form of presentation
The processing and presentation of applications, together with the annexes and the corresponding documentation, must be carried out ONLY BY ELECTRONIC MEANS, using the electronic certificate of the interest group or of the person who holds legal representation. To access the online procedure,...
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Silence effect / Exhausts administrative life
/ No
Appeal proceeding against the resolution

The resolution does not put an end to the administrative process and an appeal may be lodged against it to the head of the Conselleria responsible for matters relating to interest groups, within a period of one month from the day following the notification of an explicit decision, or at any time...

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Resolution bodies

Frequent questions

Doubts about telematic processing
Where to consult questions about the procedure:

Related topics


  • Companies
  • Citizens


  • Associations and participation
    • Citizen participation
  • Public administration
    • Transparency and public information


  • Company
    • Foundations
    • Cooperatives
    • Professionals and self
    • Third sector organisations
  • Citizenship
    • Researchers


  • Construction and facilities
    • Working with the administration
  • Hospitality and tourism
    • Tourist establishments
    • Tourism professionals
    • Bars and restaurants
  • Education, culture and leisure
    • Cultural and audiovisual companies


  • Planning a business


  • Records