Becas para la realización de estudios universitarios -exención de tasas- en las universidades que integran el Sistema Universitario Valenciano - GVA.ES
Becas para la realización de estudios universitarios -exención de tasas- en las universidades que integran el Sistema Universitario Valenciano
What is
The university fee exemption grant, announced for the 2023-2024 academic year, is a grant aimed at undergraduate and master's degree students that covers the amount of credits enrolled. This amount will be calculated according to the public prices established by decree of the Consell.
The grant covers only the credits enrolled in first or second enrollment.
Who is it addressed to
Students enrolled, during the academic year 2023-2024, in public or private universities of the Valencian University System, or in affiliated centers, in the following courses, may apply for the scholarship:
a) Official university bachelor's and master's degrees and masters adapted to the European Higher Education Area.
b) Complementary training for accessing or obtaining a master's degree, and complementary credits for obtaining a bachelor's degree.
This call does not include exemptions or scholarships for doctoral studies, third cycle, specialization or university degrees.
Be Spanish or a citizen of the European Union.
For non-EU foreigners, the current regulations on the rights of foreigners in Spain will be applied, excluding those who are in a stay situation.
Nationality requirements must be fulfilled by December 31, 2022. For applicants for refugee status or subsidiary protection, the legal residence permit may be obtained until August 31, 2023.
Residence: You must be registered in a municipality of the Comunitat Valenciana at the time of application and maintain this requirement throughout the academic year.
You must be enrolled in official on-site university studies during the 2023-2024 academic year, at a university of the Valencian University System or its affiliated centers.
You cannot already have a degree at the same level or higher than the one you are applying for.
You will not be able to apply for the scholarship if you only need to accredit your knowledge of a foreign language to obtain the degree.
Financial and academic requirements: You must meet the financial and academic requirements established in the call for applications.
How to process
The processing and submission of the application will be made only by electronic means on the processing platform of the GVA.
You can consult the information published in the following link:
If you have any doubts about the call, you can contact by e-mail at or call the administrative information telephone number 012 (from outside the Valencian Community: 963 866 000).
The scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis. In the event that the amount of the scholarships proposed for award exceeds the maximum global amount foreseen, priority will be given to first registration credits.
The scholarships will be awarded in descending order, according to the average grade obtained by the student proposed for award in the previous or last academic year.
In the event of a tie, preference will be given to the sex underrepresented in the degree program.
You can check that your application has been correctly submitted by checking the receipt accessible in your citizen folder:
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The deadline for online applications is one month from the day following publication in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana (Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana)
In the event that more than one online application is submitted, the last one submitted will be considered valid.
1. The processing and submission of the application will be carried out solely online on the GVA processing platform.
2. The access point for online processing is the Web Portal of the Generalitat, which can be accessed at the following address Direct access to this procedure will be available at the following link:
The processing and submission of the application will be carried out solely online on the GVA processing platform.
If you have any queries, you can consult the guide published on the following link:
2. The access point for online processing is the Web Portal of the Generalitat, which can be accessed at the following address Direct access to this procedure will be available at the following link:
Any technical/computer-related issues that may occur during the online processing will be dealt with by emailing:
Any queries related to the content of this announcement will be dealt with, preferably, by email on, and there is also an administrative information telephone number 012. For telephone calls from outside the Comunitat Valenciana or for people who have a flat rate service for national calls to landlines, telephone 963 866 000 (from abroad +34 963 866 000).
- Order 21/2016, of 10 June 6, of 10 June, of the Regional Ministry of Education, Research, Culture and Sport, establishing the regulatory bases for the awarding of grants for university studies at the universities of the Valencian Community (DOGV no. 7805, of 14.06.2016).
- RESOLUTION of November 7, 2023, of the Department of Education, Universities and Employment, which calls for scholarships to carry out university studies, exemption from fees, during the 2023-2024 academic year, in the universities that make up the system Valencian university student
- Decree 118/2023, of August 4, of the Consell, establishing the fees to be paid for the provision of university academic services for the academic year 2023/2024.
You are granted a period of 10 business days, counted from the day following the day of receipt of the notification, to attach the required documents.
notification, in order to attach the required documents.
If he/she fails to do so, he/she will be deemed to have withdrawn his/her request, following a resolution issued in accordance with the established terms.
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are not taken into account for the calculation of working days.
More information: article 21 and 68 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the common administrative procedure of public administrations.
If your application is not complete or does not meet the requirements, the Administration will notify you and will give you a period of time to correct or complete it.
If you do not complete or correct it within that period, it will be understood that you have waived it.
Allegation / Contribution
You have the right to make allegations and provide documents that will have to be taken into account by the competent body in drafting the proposed resolution.
All this in accordance with Article 53 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the common administrative procedure of public administrations.
It is done telematically through the “Authenticated submission” of this procedure.
The award resolution is published in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana within a maximum period of six months from the day following the publication of the call resolution.
It is also published on the website of the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment.
The scholarship consists of the exemption of the payment of credits enrolled in first or second enrollment, in accordance with the prices established in Decree 118/2023, which sets the fees to be paid for the provision of university academic services for the academic year 2023/2024.
Not included in this scholarship:
- Credits that exceed the minimum required to obtain the degree.
- Validations, recognition or adaptations of studies, subjects or credits.
It is important to note that the amount of the scholarship is not paid directly to the student; instead, it is paid to the universities to compensate the corresponding fees.
If the student has paid these fees in advance, he/she should contact the scholarship unit of his/her university, center or faculty, once the resolution has been published, to arrange the refund.
The beneficiaries of these grants have the following obligations:
1. Enroll and maintain enrollment during the academic year.
2. To collaborate with the administration in the necessary verifications.
3. To inform the entity that grants the scholarship if they receive other scholarships or subsidies for the same purpose.
4. To inform the scholarship awarding entity if you cancel your enrollment or if there is any change in the conditions that were taken into account to grant you the scholarship.
5. To use the scholarship for the purpose for which it is awarded.
6. Comply with the requirements and conditions for receiving the scholarship.
Those provided for in Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on Common Public Administration Administrative Procedures (BOE no. 236, of 02/10/2015).
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- Resolution of May 29, 2024, of the Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo by which scholarships are awarded and denied for university studies, exemption of fees, during the academic year 2023-2024 in the universities that make up the Valencian university system.
- Modification of the resolution of May 29, for the granting and denial of scholarships for university studies - fee waiver - academic year 2023-2024
Withdrawal is the possibility of abandoning an application or waiving your rights in an administrative procedure.
More information: Article 94 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
Replenishment Resource
One month from the day after the publication of the award resolution.
Against the award resolution, which puts an end to administrative proceedings, an appeal for reconsideration may be lodged with the Regional Minister of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment within one month from the day following its publication in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat...
The student must provide the documentation that he/she deems pertinent for the administration to resolve the appeal.
In the waiver, the action is definitively abandoned and therefore the right that is intended to be asserted through it, so that the claim may not be exercised again.
The Administration will accept the waiver, declaring the proceeding concluded, unless third parties have appeared to request its continuation or its effects have to be limited due to general interest.
More information: Article 94 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
Frequent questions
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